Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Hospital in the Home (HITH)

Through extensive consultation and co-design, we have worked with our stakeholders to put together the, “Integrated Hospital in the Home – A Shared Care Model for Hospital in the Home for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Brisbane North”.


  • to ensure better health outcomes and experience for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
  • to improve access to culturally responsive care, closer to home
  • to create service capacity by reduced preventable presentations to hospitals, re-admissions to acute hospitals, reduced discharge against medical advice, increased HITH utilisation and fast-tracked access to HITH for eligible patients
  • to build on, not duplicate, the existing Metro North HITH Model of Care and Clinical Pathways and complemented other strategies to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HITH in Brisbane North.


  • contractual partnership between Metro North Health and a Community Controlled Health Service, brokered via The Health Alliance (the Alliance) and Brisbane North PHN, to trial a shared care model of HITH
  • the Alliance has contracted the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) to conduct and deliver the HITH pilot for eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients in the region.


  • across Metro North Health and Brisbane North PHN catchment.


  • a GP from IUIH will work with acute HITH teams in Metro North Health to provide medical care in a patient’s home and/or IUIH’s primary care settings
  • cultural support may be provided from IUIH Community Liaison Officers and IUIH Connect
  • multiple pathways of entry through ED, Virtual ED, Metro North Health wards/service and direct referrals from IUIH GPs.

For more information on this project, please contact us

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